International Polar Year, or IPY (2007-2009) is by far the most exciting international scientific and educational opportunity of this century. For the next two years, all eyes will be focused on the physical, social and human dimensions of our planet's polar regions. Watch this blog for news related to Canadian outreach and education efforts related to IPY. Of particular interest to educators! Note: This blog is created independently of any official IPY organization

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Polar Week in March, and Canadian Geographic IPY issue

7. The last in a series of polar days and polar weeks will take place from March 15 to 19. Coordinated by the International Program Office, the theme for the week is  What Happens at the Poles Affects Us All.
“March Polar Week will be an opportunity for researchers, educators, early career scientists, and students from across the globe to celebrate the partnerships, outreach, and scientific outcomes IPY has enabled regionally, nationally and internationally. It will also provide the IPY community with a chance to generate excitement as they prepare for the IPY Oslo Science Conference June 8-12, 2010.”  More information on Polar Week will become available as we get closer to the event at:

8. Canadian Geographic: Special Arctic International Polar Year (IPY) Issue - January/February 2010  "The January/Febr uary 2010 issue of Canadian Geographic contains a polarpalooza of stories, ranging from an intimate portrayal of life at the Yukon's Kluane Lake Research Station to a profile of a student geographer from Labrador on exchange in Norway. We shine a spotlight on the largest ever Inuit health survey and the mysterious disappearance of mercury from the atmosphere when the Arctic sun rises. It's all part of our crucial quest to understand the North".

Monday, January 25, 2010


Dear Friend, 

My name is Mrs. Helen Enrique, female, working with Global Symposium of Peaceful Nations (GSPN). UNITED STATE WASHINGTON DC, We are organizing a global World Conference, Global Peace Index (GPI). Taking place from 8th to 12th March 2010 at Washington DC, In the United States and in Dakar Senegal from 15th to 19th March 2010, In our request to invite people from various countries around the world, I went in search of your e-mails on the web site as a means of contacting people and organizations As a result, I picked your email from an N.G.O`s website. 

If you are interested to participate and want to represent your country or organization, you may contact the secretariat of the organizing committee for details and information's. You should also inform them that you were invited to participate by friend of yours (Mrs. Helen Enrique) who is a member of the American Youths 4Peace and a staff of Global Symposium of Peaceful Nations. 

I believe that we may have the opportunity to meet if you may be willing to participate in this event. The benevolent donors from across the global and the Organizing Committee will provide round Trip air tickets and accommodation for the period of participants, Stay in the U.S., to all registered participants. If you are a holder of passport that may require visa to enter the United States, you may inform the conference secretariat at the time of registration, as the Organizing committee is responsible for all visas arrangements and travel assistance.


You may get back to me with my email address below.

Mrs. Helen Enrique

Thursday, January 21, 2010

RE: [polarpals] EXTENDED DEADLINE - Oslo Science Conference - 25 JANUARY 2010

Karen, any list member can post to the list, so why not craft your message yourself? Simply email to .


This goes for any other message you’d like to send to the list. It won’t appear on the blog page, however, though I could set you up for this too….OR simply email your message to and it will go to the blog and the polarpals list.




-----Original Message-----
From: Karen Edwards []
Thursday, January 21, 2010 12:14 PM
To: Remy.Rodden
Subject: Re: [polarpals] EXTENDED DEADLINE - Oslo Science Conference -
25 JANUARY 2010




Wondering if you can help me with something using Polar Pals.We are looking through the currently registered abstracts with the OSC and I would like to track which Canadians have submitted already and I can compare it with the list I have seen today. Just want to make sure none of the Canadian submissions get lost.


Let me know if you'd like me to write a message for the group.




Karen Edwards

IPY International Program Office

OSC teachers' conference committee


Tel: +1-780-424-6517






On 21-Jan-10, at 11:50 AM, <> <> wrote:


EXTENDED DEADLINE - Oslo Science Conference - 25 JANUARY 2010



8-12 June 2010 | Oslo, Norway




Submit abstracts now at:


To enable inclusion of as much IPY and related polar data in the final

program, late submissions will continue to be accepted until Monday 25

January. We would be grateful if you could pass this information to

interested colleagues, students and polar networks.


From: Volker Rachold <>

Date: January 21, 2010 4:11:45 AM PST

To: Volker Rachold <>

Cc: No-Reply <>

Subject: IPY Oslo Conference


Abstract deadline for IPY Oslo Science Conference extended till 25th January: More than 2200 abstracts submitted on deadline

Published: 21.01.2010

The IPY Oslo Science Conference will be the biggest polar science meeting ever. The steering committee, meeting in Oslo today, already feel that we are a long way towards a great success. To cater for some groups the committee has decided to accept abstracts submitted up untill the 25th January.

- We have sufficient content to prepare a very attractive program, says Dr Olav Orheim, chair of the steering committee. - The turnout is impressive from most disciplines. Al together 850 has applied for the early career stipends. The committee has devoted a lot of attention to the scientists recruited to polar science through IPY, so this turnout is a remarkable achievement.

The IPY Oslo Science Conference is already twice as large as the last, and up untill then largest, global polar science meeting in terms of submissions.

- The brief extension of the deadline is for the courtesy of some of our partners. The submission system has in general been smooth. But in particular some scientists, that have just now returned from Antarctica, need some extra lead time, Dr Orheim says.

While leaving the call for abstracts open for a few days, the steering committee has decided that stipend application option is closed by the original deadline.

The submitted abstracts are quite well distributed amongst the 6 conference themes and in general between the various sessions:

·         420 abstracts submitted for Theme 1. Linkages between Polar Regions and global systems

·         560 abstracts submitted for Theme 2. Past, present and future changes in Polar Regions

·         440 abstracts submitted for Theme 3. Polar ecosystems and biodiversity

·         270 abstracts submitted for Theme 4. Human dimensions of change: Health, society and resources

·         240 abstracts submitted for Theme 5. New frontiers, data practices and directions in polar research

·         220 abstracts submitted for Theme 6. Polar science education, outreach and communication

The IPY Oslo Science Conference has so far received abstracts from 58 nations. This largely overlaps with the 60 nations that participated in the International Polar Year.

- Conveners are now urged to continue to actively promote their sessions, especially those with relatively low turnout. Some regions of the world are underrepresented. This includes parts of Asia/Pacific and South-America. We will use the extension period to encourage participation from those regions, Dr Orheim says.

Submit your abstract here.




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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Arctic Climate Change Youth Forum, February 5th, 2010, Fort Whyte Alive outdoor education center in Winnipeg

Organized in partnership with the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra, Fort Whyte Alive, Climate Change Connections, the Canadian Forces,  ‘Schools on Board’ and Kelvin High School will co-host the third Arctic Climate Change Youth Forum, in conjunction with the IPY-CFL Gala event planned as the opening night of the Winnipeg Symphony Orchestra’s New Music Festival. Registration for this event is limited to 250 students and teachers.

FW: reminder: International Polar Year travel support deadlines coming soon

Deadline  for the submission of abstracts for the Oslo IPY science conference and PolarTEACHERS workshop to be held from June 6th to 12th. There is travel support available from the conference organizers as well as the Federal Program Office. The deadline for submission of abstracts is January 20th.  Details on the science conference are available at


We invite you to an International PolarTEACHERS conference in Oslo, Norway, on June 6-12, 2010. The conference is part of and will be held in conjunction with the IPY Oslo Science Conference.


Conference theme: "How to use polar science in your classroom"

The International Polar Year (IPY), from March 2007 to March 2009, was a large scientific programme focused on the Arctic and the Antarctic.

IPY involved thousands of scientists from more than 60 nations in a wide range of physical, biological and social research. The IPY Oslo Science Conference (IPY-OSC 2010) will be the first major meeting of scientists to share results from IPY research. 

Education, outreach and communication (EOC) has been a central part of IPY and we would like to give teachers and other educators the opportunity to share their experiences. If you have not been involved in IPY, but want to use polar issues in your classroom, you are also welcome to participate.

If you are selected as a participant at the teacher conference you automatically become a participant at the science conference during the rest of the week. You are expected to attend both the teacher and science conferences. You need to arrive on June 5 and depart June 11 at the earliest.


When and where

The introductory part of the teacher conference will take place at The University of Oslo June 6 and June 7 2010. The science conference lasts from June 8 until June 12.

Teachers will attend the science conference and meet regularly during the week to share their experiences and ideas.


Who can participate?

Teachers and educators worldwide including pre-service teachers


How to register?

To participate in the PolarTEACHERS conference you need to register and apply. There are two ways to be selected:

Present a paper to one of the Theme 6 parallel session in the IPY-OSC  2010 by submitting an abstract on a project or activity that you were involved in during IPY.

Write an application describing how you plan to use polar science in your classroom.


Selection of participants

Criteria for selection:

Quality of the abstract for EOC session or the implementation plan for use of polar science in an educational setting

Quality of application

Geographic distribution of participants

Different educator categories

If you are not selected for the conference, you can still participate at the IPY-OSC 2010. You will then have to pay full registration fee and accommodation costs.


Conditions for selected participants

Reduced registration fee of 230 EURO (full registration fee is 460 EURO)

This fee covers accommodation from Saturday June 5 until Saturday June 12. The fee also covers two dinners as well as breakfast and lunch from Sunday to Saturday. Participants will also receive a copy of the new IPY resource book, Polar Science and Global Climate.

NOTE! You must be willing to share rooms with 1 to 3 persons. It will not be possible to pay extra for single rooms. If you want another accommodation you must organize and pay for it yourself.

Travel support to teachers from outside Europe

Maximum number of participants to be selected: 120                                     



Abstract submission deadline                  January 20, 2010

Acceptance of abstracts/applications           February 15, 2010

Acceptance from selected participants       February 25, 2010  

Registration deadline for the conference    March 8, 2010

Learn more about the PolarTEACHERS programme


The Canadian IPY Program Office will be offering partial support to a number of Canadian teachers chosen to attend the PolarTEACHERS workshop as part of the Oslo Science Conference June 8-12.  The funds will help assist with defraying the travel costs for teachers.  6 Northern teachers will be eligible to receive up to $2500 and 5 teachers in southern Canada may receive up to $1000. This is in addition to the travel stipend being offered by the workshop organizers.


Interested teachers should apply to the PolarTEACHERS workshop.  The deadline for application is January 20, 2010.  Once accepted, please contact me at Canadian IPY Program Office.  Contact information below.  The funding support will be available to reimburse teachers based on receipts for expenses incurred, including airfare.


Please contact me if you’d like further information on either of these two opportunities.



Bob Van Dijken

Yukon IPY Coordination Office

Council of Yukon First Nations

2166 - 2nd Avenue

Whitehorse, Yukon

Y1A 4P1

telephone: (867) 393-9237

fax: (867) 668-6577


FW: IPY items of interest

From: Bob Van Dijken []
Thursday, January 14, 2010 1:13 PM
Cc: Sarah Kalhok; Barrie Ford; Mero, Alana; Shirley, Jamal
Subject: IPY items of interest


1.       As part of the federal IPY training, communications and outreach initiative, Global Television was funded to put together a number of one minute vignettes on Canadian IPY projects.  Some of you may have seen these aired from time to time last year.  These vignettes are now available to be viewed online at:


2.       The January/February 2010 issue of Canadian Geographic is now available.  It is a special Arctic IPY issue that contains a number of articles about IPY research in the North, including “an intimate portrayal of life at the Yukon’s Kluane Lake Research Station”. The Canadian Geographic website: has extended web content on IPY including photo essays, videos and interactive features. 


3.       The Royal Canadian Geographic Society has unveiled an IPY section to its online Canadian atlas.”To discover the breadth of the IPY scientific research and enquiry, Canadian Geographic has created an interactive map that locates, describes and illustrates more than 50 IPY projects across Canada’s North, with topics ranging from sea ice to permafrost, arctic char to polar bears, and ancient civilizations to contemporary Inuit health.” You can view the map at


4.       The last in a series of polar days and polar weeks will take place from March 15 to 19. Coordinated by the International Program Office, the theme for the week is  What Happens at the Poles Affects Us All.  “March Polar Week will be an opportunity for researchers, educators, early career scientists, and students from across the globe to celebrate the partnerships, outreach, and scientific outcomes IPY has enabled regionally, nationally and internationally. It will also provide the IPY community with a chance to generate excitement as they prepare for the IPY Oslo Science Conference June 8-12, 2010.”  More information on Polar Week will become available as we get closer to the event at:


5.       Canada's Arctic researchers call for polar policy

By John Bowman, CBC News

Canada needs a national polar policy and better research co-ordination to effectively monitor the changing northern climate, says a Canadian Arctic researcher.

John England of the University of Alberta, writing in the journal Nature this week, said Canadian scientists are finding it more difficult to get to remote Arctic regions to conduct their research.


"The capacity to support researchers in remote field sites has plummeted, making it difficult for Canadian researchers to continue crucial monitoring of the fast-changing Arctic environment, from receding glaciers to disappearing polar bear habitat," wrote England.


Compounding the problem, said England, is the fact that funding for travel and support from the Polar Continental Shelf Program (PCSP) isn't tied to research funding from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).


"The PCSP allocates its logistical resources separately from, and often in contradiction to, the resource needs of peer-reviewed NSERC grants. This lack of co-ordination threatens long-established monitoring programmes," said England.


PCSP also oversees safety for researchers in remote camps.


"If a severe storm destroys tents, or a camp is threatened by a polar bear, the PCSP comes to the rescue," said England.


Lack of co-ordination a problem

Steven Bigras, executive director of the Canadian Polar Commission, agrees that the lack of co-ordination is a problem.


"[England] says there's a bit of a disconnect there between NSERC funding the research and then you have to follow up with Continental Shelf to ensure you have the logistical support to get to the field stations. If one says 'yes' and the other one says 'no,' it really doesn't help the overall effort," said Bigras.

As well, England said budget cuts and increasing fuels costs "have rapidly eroded the PCSP's ability to fulfil its mission."


England praises Canada for funding Arctic research in the amount of $156 million during the International Polar Year from 2007 to 2009, but said that the future of research after that funding runs out "does not look as bright."


"We've had two wonderful years of well-funded research in the Arctic," said Bigras. "This sudden splurge of research going on, and all these young people getting interested in the research."


England wrote that the increasing costs have put Arctic research out of the reach of many Canadian researchers, "many of whom now talk openly about shifting their research attentions to something that can be studied farther south."


England said that part of the solution lies in creating a national polar policy, " which would commit Canada to clear objectives and better co-ordinate research activities."


"If you have a policy, you have priorities and you fund those priorities," said Bigras. "[Currently], we have a set of projects out there and they're all priorities during the International Polar Year, but what happens to them after that?"



Bob Van Dijken

Yukon IPY Coordination Office

Council of Yukon First Nations

2166 - 2nd Avenue

Whitehorse, Yukon

Y1A 4P1

telephone: (867) 393-9237

fax: (867) 668-6577